您不能選擇超過 %s 個話題 話題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號 ('-') 且最長為 35 個字

  1. ===================
  2. Sphinx Nameko Theme
  3. ===================
  4. Official sphinx theme for `nameko <https://github.com/onefinestay/nameko>`_.
  5. Forked from `Sphinx Readable Theme <https://github.com/ignacysokolowski/sphinx-readable-theme>`_, combined with elements of the `Read The Docs <https://github.com/snide/sphinx_rtd_theme>`_ theme.
  6. Installation and setup
  7. ======================
  8. Install from PyPI::
  9. $ pip install sphinx-nameko-theme
  10. And add this to your Sphinx ``conf.py``:
  11. .. code-block:: python
  12. import sphinx_nameko_theme
  13. html_theme_path = [sphinx_nameko_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
  14. html_theme = 'nameko'
  15. Example
  16. =======
  17. The official `nameko <https://nameko.readthedocs.org>`_ documentation uses this theme.
  18. License
  19. =======
  20. Sphinx Nameko Theme is licensed under the MIT license.
  21. Changelog
  22. =========
  23. Version 0.0.3
  24. -------------
  25. Add colours to admonitions
  26. Nicer styles for inline literals
  27. Version 0.0.2
  28. -------------
  29. Remove symlink confusing ReadTheDocs
  30. Version 0.0.1
  31. -------------
  32. Initial fork