=================== Sphinx Nameko Theme =================== Official sphinx theme for `nameko `_. Forked from `Sphinx Readable Theme `_, combined with elements of the `Read The Docs `_ theme. Installation and setup ====================== Install from PyPI:: $ pip install sphinx-nameko-theme And add this to your Sphinx ``conf.py``: .. code-block:: python import sphinx_nameko_theme html_theme_path = [sphinx_nameko_theme.get_html_theme_path()] html_theme = 'nameko' Example ======= The official `nameko `_ documentation uses this theme. License ======= Sphinx Nameko Theme is licensed under the MIT license. Changelog ========= Version 0.0.3 ------------- Add colours to admonitions Nicer styles for inline literals Version 0.0.2 ------------- Remove symlink confusing ReadTheDocs Version 0.0.1 ------------- Initial fork