Nife version Beta
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  1. This file lists people who have made significant contribution in the nife
  2. project. Please see the ChangeLog for specific changes by author.
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Patrick H. E. Foubet <>
  5. * Original program author, stable series maintainer.
  6. * Cohesion of language supervisor. Multiple platform maintainer.
  7. * Stack to Stack protocol developper, and much more.
  8. Christophe Ondrejec <>
  9. * Administrator of the site
  10. * Internationalization support head.
  11. * Package tester.
  12. Claude Mauvais <>
  13. * Mathematical functions supervisor and developper.
  14. * Package tester.
  15. Bruno Guilbert <>
  16. * Devices interface tester and developper.
  17. * Package tester.