/* Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Patrick H. E. Foubet - S.E.R.I.A.N.E. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see *******************************************************************/ /* liste des fonctions liees a gnuplot */ /* gplot.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gplot.h" #include "nife.h" #include "mth.h" #include "stackN.h" #include "stackC.h" #include "err.h" #include "debug.h" #define GPO_STD 0 /* standard */ #define GPO_MRG 0x100 /* merge */ struct GPlot { short id; short op;/* options + nb plots */ FILE *p; /* pipe */ char *t; /* title */ char *f; /* file */ char *a; /* command append */ int pid; /* pid */ void *n; /* next */ }; static short GPid=0; static void *stackGP = VIDE; /* file manipulations */ static void GPF_init(char *f) { int fd, r, nc; r = chdir(".nife"); if ((fd = creat(f,0600)) != -1) { nc=write(fd,"# Nife auto-generated GNUplot file !\n",37); close(fd); } if (r==0) r=chdir(".."); } static void GPF_del(char *f) { unlink(f); } static void GPF_supL(char * f, int n) { void * M; char *f2; char l[512]; FILE *fIn, *fOut; int i=1; if ((M = malloc(strlen(f)+5)) == NULL) stopErr("GPF_supL","malloc"); f2 = (char*)M; strcpy(f2,f); f2 += strlen(f); strcpy(f2,".wni"); f2 = (char*)M; if ((fIn = fopen(f, "r")) != NULL) { if ((fOut = fopen(f2, "w")) != NULL) { while (fgets(l, sizeof(l), fIn)) { if (i != n) fputs(l, fOut); i++; } fclose(fOut); } fclose(fIn); rename(f2, f); } free(M); } /* struct GPlot functions */ static void eraseGP(struct GPlot *F) { GPF_del(F->f); free((void*)F->t); free((void*)F->f); if (F->a != NULL) free((void*)F->a); free((void*)F); } static void GP_initial(struct GPlot * N) { fprintf(N->p, "set term x11 title \"Nife GPlot %d\" size 400,300\n", N->id); fprintf(N->p, "unset mouse\n"); } static void GP_create(short op, char *T, char *F) { int pid, p[2]; void * M; struct GPlot *N; if ((M = malloc(sizeof(struct GPlot)))==NULL) stopErr("GP_create","malloc"); N = (struct GPlot*)M; N->id = ++GPid; N->op = op; N->t = T; N->f = F; N->a = NULL; N->n = stackGP; GPF_init(N->f); /* Old method ********** N->p = popen("gnuplot -p -raise","w"); *********/ if (pipe(p) != 0) stopErr("GP_create","pipe"); N->p = fdopen(p[1], "w"); /* w side */ if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"GP_create : error fork !\n"); eraseGP(N); } else { if (pid == 0) { /* fils */ dup2(p[0],0); close(p[0]); close(p[1]); _MODIF_inSonProc_(1); setsid(); execlp("gnuplot", "Nife_gplot", "-p", "-raise", NULL); perror("gnuplot"); exit(1); } else { N->pid = pid; close(p[0]); stackGP = M; GP_initial(N); } } } static void GP_del(short id) { void ** PNext; struct GPlot * N; PNext = &stackGP; while (*PNext != VIDE) { N = (struct GPlot*) *PNext; if (N->id == id) { *PNext = N->n; /* stop gnuplot */ fprintf(N->p,"exit\n"); fflush(N->p); kill(N->pid,SIGKILL); eraseGP(N); return; } PNext = &N->n; } messErr(42); } void IF_delAllGP(void) { struct GPlot * N; while (stackGP != VIDE) { N = (struct GPlot*) stackGP; stackGP = N->n; /* stop gnuplot */ fprintf(N->p,"exit\n"); fflush(N->p); kill(N->pid,SIGKILL); eraseGP(N); } GPid=0; } static struct GPlot * GP_getPlot(short id) { void ** PNext; struct GPlot * N; PNext = &stackGP; while (*PNext != VIDE) { N = (struct GPlot*) *PNext; if (N->id == id) { return N; } PNext = &N->n; } messErr(42); return NULL; } static void GP_plot(struct GPlot * N) { int i; fprintf(N->p, "set term x11 title \"Nife GPlot %d\"\n", N->id); fprintf(N->p, "plot "); for (i=0; i<(N->op&0xFF); i++) { if (i) fprintf(N->p,", "); fprintf(N->p,"\"%s\" using 1:%d title \"",N->f, i+2); if (i) fprintf(N->p,"col %d",i+1); else fprintf(N->p,"%s",N->t); fprintf(N->p,"\" with lines "); if (N->a != NULL) fprintf(N->p,"%s",N->a); } fprintf(N->p,"\n"); fflush(N->p); } static void GP_updApp(short id, char * a) { struct GPlot * N; if ((N = GP_getPlot(id)) != NULL) { if (N->a != NULL) free((void*)N->a); N->a = a; /* redraw gnuplot */ GP_plot(N); return; } free((void*)a); } static void GP_addData(short id) { struct GPlot * N; FILE *fd; if ((N = GP_getPlot(id)) != NULL) { /* Add data to file */ fd = fopen(N->f,"a"); IF_inFile_1d(fd, ' ', 0); fclose(fd); /* redraw gnuplot */ GP_plot(N); } } static void GP_replData(short id) { struct GPlot * N; FILE *fd; if ((N = GP_getPlot(id)) != NULL) { /* delete the second line */ GPF_supL(N->f,2); /* Add data to file */ fd = fopen(N->f,"a"); IF_inFile_1d(fd, ' ', 0); fclose(fd); /* redraw gnuplot */ GP_plot(N); } } void IF_gplot_new(void) { char *t, *f; if (!isNString(2)) { messErr(6); return; } t = getString(); f = getString(); GP_create(GPO_STD|1,t,f); } void IF_gplot_newM(void) { char *t, *f; long n; if (getParLong(&n)) { if (!isNString(2)) { messErr(6); return; } t = getString(); f = getString(); GP_create(GPO_STD|(short)n,t,f); } } void IF_gplot_del(void) { long t; if (getParLong(&t)) { GP_del((short)t); } } void IF_gplot_clear(void) { long t; struct GPlot * N; if (getParLong(&t)) { if ((N = GP_getPlot((short)t)) != NULL) { GPF_init(N->f); /* redraw gnuplot */ GP_plot(N); } } } void IF_gplot_commapp(void) { long t; char *a; if (getParLong(&t)) { if (!isNString(1)) { messErr(6); return; } a = getString(); GP_updApp((short)t,a); } } void IF_gplot_append(void) { long t; if (getParLong(&t)) { if (!is1Tab()) { messErr(12); return; } GP_addData((short)t); } } void IF_gplot_replace(void) { long t; if (getParLong(&t)) { if (!is1Tab()) { messErr(12); return; } GP_replData((short)t); } } void IF_show_stackGP(void) { void * Next; struct GPlot * N; if (stackGP != VIDE) printf(" id |NbP| filename | Title | Options\n"); Next = stackGP; while (Next != VIDE) { N = (struct GPlot*) Next; printf("%5d|%3d|%-12s|%-25s|%s\n",N->id,N->op&0xFF,N->f, N->t, N->a); Next = N->n; } printf("\n"); } void IFD_show_stackGP(void) { _IFD_BEGIN_ IF_show_stackGP(); _IFD_END_ }