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Sphinx Nameko Theme

Official sphinx theme for `nameko <https://github.com/onefinestay/nameko>`_.

Forked from `Sphinx Readable Theme <https://github.com/ignacysokolowski/sphinx-readable-theme>`_, combined with elements of the `Read The Docs <https://github.com/snide/sphinx_rtd_theme>`_ theme.

Installation and setup

Install from PyPI::

$ pip install sphinx-nameko-theme

And add this to your Sphinx ``conf.py``:

.. code-block:: python

import sphinx_nameko_theme

html_theme_path = [sphinx_nameko_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
html_theme = 'nameko'


The official `nameko <https://nameko.readthedocs.org>`_ documentation uses this theme.


Sphinx Nameko Theme is licensed under the MIT license.


Version 0.0.3

Add colours to admonitions
Nicer styles for inline literals

Version 0.0.2

Remove symlink confusing ReadTheDocs

Version 0.0.1

Initial fork