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пре 5 година
  1. # Generated with dmenv 0.15.0, python 3.7.1, on Linux
  2. appdirs==1.4.3
  3. atomicwrites==1.3.0
  4. attrs==19.1.0
  5. black==19.3b0
  6. Click==7.0
  7. importlib-metadata==0.18
  8. more-itertools==7.1.0
  9. packaging==19.0
  10. Pillow==6.0.0
  11. pip==19.1.1
  12. pluggy==0.12.0
  13. py==1.8.0
  14. pyparsing==2.4.0
  15. pytest==4.6.3
  16. setuptools==41.0.1
  17. six==1.12.0
  18. toml==0.10.0
  19. wcwidth==0.1.7
  20. wheel==0.33.4
  21. zipp==0.5.1